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Helping parent and instructor to teach and to give correct instruction clearly.Intentional function helping beginner riding independently. 



I interviewed some families, who have children or young relatives. In terms of cycling, people have slightly different opinions. However, in gerneral:


-People all agree that defending riding should be learn since young. 


-They are more comfortible to have an equipment which helps the children to cycle safely.


Electronic component

Arduino board with Bluetooth

Li. BetterySpeaker

Vibration motor


Link the phone with the device through bluetooth.

Then children or beginner can hear the instruction clearlythere is vibration at both left and right sides.

When parent give the oral instructionthe device will transfer the oral instruction into vibration to the children.

Distance sensor : let cyclists know their surrounding

Additional voice recognition : 

Devise will sense phone’s navigation sound to lead the direction

(Navigation without screen) 

Disable music playing function


Defined the product shape with user behavior

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